Live Poetry Jukebox
My Heart, My Heart
My Heart, My Heart
Live Poetry Jukebox

My Heart, My Heart: Live Poetry Jukebox is an interactive performance installation that presents an exciting new concept of engaging people with poetry through visual art and performance. It works like a music jukebox (only with poetry!) and consists of a ‘library’ of jars, containing miniature artworks, each expressing a feeling or idea connected to a poem. Audiences are invited to look at the jars, choose one they feel particularly drawn to and listen to a live performance of their poem.
The jars are displayed on illuminated shelves. These are usually set up in our beautiful sky-and-cloud tent, but can also be adapted to small, intimate indoor spaces, such as lifts, beach huts, broom cupboards, or any other small spaces or hidden corners.

The poems are about human experience, about the things we all live through - expressed in the writer’s words and the artist’s and performer’s interpretation of these words. They include poems from the late 19th century to the present day, with a stronger focus on the 20th and 21st century.
Audiences engage with the installation one-to-one or in small groups of two to four - the whole experience takes about five minutes. The installation offers moments of beauty, calm, contemplation, respite, reflection, reassurance and fun.

The installation is suitable for children (5+) and offers wheelchair access, captions and audio description.

Audience feedback, Swindon Spring festival
“The world needs more of this.”
Audience feedback, Cambridge Junction
“A wonderful experience! Touched me deeply!”
Audience feedback,
The Place, Bedford
“Stunning artwork - enthralling intimate performance.”
Created by Adie Mueller & Trui Malten. Performance: Adie Mueller. Design: Trui Malten. Artistic Mentoring: Peader Kirk & Caroline Wright. Producer: Chas de Swiet.
Created with support from Arts Council England National Lottery Grants, The Place Theatre Bedford, Cambridge Junction, Essex Book Festival, Upstart Theatre & Apples and Snakes